If you are looking for a beer that combines the experience of extravagance with the feeling of refined elegance then look no further than Boneface Number of the Beast. This Vanilla Coffee Imperial Stout unites the flavours of coffee and vanilla to create a beer that is beastly (9.99 per cent, which is 6.66 upside down, hence the name) and yet delicate. The coffee doesn’t punch you in the face, nor does the vanilla sicken you with sweetness. This jet black brew starts with notes of lightly roasted coffee beans, followed by layers of vanilla and some subtle red fruits. Each mouthfeel envelops the palate in smooth flavours of chocolate, vanilla, freshly-brewed coffee and more red fruits, particularly cherries. The coffee aspect feels perfect, there’s just enough to add depth to the taste without becoming overwhelming. My palate is left with the satisfying sensation of warmth, fruit, and a lingering mix of malts and vanilla. Grab yourself a can or even better try it at the source in Brewtown, Upper Hutt.

boneface number of the beast