We’ve asked the Pursuit of Hoppiness writers to come up with their top picks for the beers of the year. Between us the aim is to have exactly 100 beers.

Top Pick: Small Gods Arms Race         

Likened to a beer I’m unlikely to ever have, Pliny The Elder, This is a killer of beer, a giant, and so much harking back to the escalation of IBU and ABV in NZ of a decade past.

North End Merchant of the Devil         

This is that gift that I wish I could get from someone.

McLeod’s 802 #58

The Fresh Hop beer of 24. This is all at once all the things, in no particular order; there’s this amazing dankness, aroma and taste.

ParrotDog NZH-109 Bright IPA              

There are not words to describe that spritz of joy with the taste in this. This is good beer.

Garage Project Thor’s Cup     

It’s a lot of superlatives for a small bottle, this is familiar in many places but is unusual and different, better different, than it has a right to be.

Hop Federation Deep Space IPL

Lager, the Prince of Beers, the King of Lager, the IPL. ⁠ For me, so much to be enthusiastic about, a lovely grassy bit, and a snappy sharp finish.

Wilderness Wild Fire

This has got some character, there’s an explosion and scramble of things, a brisk and sharp bitterness, a wave of sweetness, a lingering dryness, it’s rather giddying.

Craftwork Brandy Tripel

Reminded me of a sought after English barley wine,  made me breathe out, forget the things that didn’t matter and just enjoy what is rather exceptionally good beer.

Mount Brewing  Bitter Sweet Symphony        

This is gloriously a proper IPA. With a proper head. It is malty and rich with a proper enjoyable bitterness. It really is a beer you could sing about.