It should be well known by now that I’m an inveterate lover of big IPA, but there are certain things that reliably spur an appreciation for simpler, lighter beers.  Two straight days of judging at the New World Beer & Cider Awards this month is most definitely one of those things.  Rose Bay Lager from Urbanaut is certainly lighter at only 2.5% ABV, but it’s far from simple as lagers go, with a liltingly perfumed floral aroma joined by lychee and (funnily enough) rosewater.  Only on the palate does the crisp and smooth malt base emerge, swept swiftly into the drying palate by a lemon citrus hop character.  Eminently refreshing, supple and elegant.  A more apt accompaniment to bonsai than lawn mowing. 

Urbanaut Rose Bay Lager