You thought you were safe.  You thought fresh hop season was over, but it just keeps on going… This one really is special though, I promise.  Garstonstein is joint release from Wanaka Beerworks and Christchurch’s Beers is unique in that its Nelson Sauvin fresh hops are not from Nelson, but all the way down in Southland, grown by the up-and-coming Garston Hops.

Immediately there’s a noticeable difference in aroma from the Nelson-grown fresh hop Sauvins this year.  The characteristic sharpness and pungency take on a gentler form, with juicy lemon/lime citrus and ripe estery apples.  On the palate you’ll find a delightfully old school take on IPA (6% ABV), as the fresh hop flavours dance over a beautifully characterful malt base and thumping bitter finish.  Could this be the beginning of the concept of terroir for hops?
