Christmas is always such a fun time for me. Once December first rolls around I’m helping Mariah Carey get back in to the charts by belting “All I Want For Christmas Is You” on repeat and at the top of my lungs as I walk to work.
I’m always proactive with my Christmas shopping, and I always want to make sure my loved ones get what they want on their Christmas lists.
Which is why this year, I thought I’d ask four breweries from around the country what exactly they want for Christmas.
They’re the ones who give us so much joy all year round – so it’s only fair that they get their Christmas wishes sorted too.
Gemma Smith – Brave Brewing co-owner
“Our Christmas wish and hope for the year ahead is that 2021 will be a little kinder to people! We feel really privileged, and humbled by the fact that our business has weathered this year pretty well, and we are experiencing huge growth. It’s been beautiful to experience how people have been getting out and supporting local, and small businesses. Let’s hope that people continue to do this into the new year.”
Anthony Nahona – Ranger owner-brewer
“You know pre-Covid I only thought about giving up once a month. When Covid hit, those thoughts became a weekly thing and now eight months’ later I’m planning for next year. It’s like you’re in a race where there’s no finish line only mile markers. You run out of fuel, passion fills the tank back up and your off again. Passion is what keeps a lot of us going and who knows what next year will bring. What do I want for Christmas? I’ll be kegging a lot more next year so a semi-auto keg washer would be primo!”
The team at Eddyline Brewery
“Christmas time is one that is special because it’s spent with family and friends.
We have compiled our top 10 wishlist for Xmas.
1. ibrewerybot – just because everyone thinks that brewery life is glamourous! No, it’s all about he cleaning. So we would like a robot like those ones that that can clean your floor. We want one that can clean the brewery too please Santa!
2. A new MTB – Santa Cruz, maybe a Yeti, but we would settle for a Specialized Turbo Levo
3. An end to child poverty in NZ!
4. A new MTB – did I mention that already?
5. Quality time with family and friends
6. Maybe a paraglider and a new MTB!
7. New lights for Allan’s bike. That will sort those Nelson drivers out so they can see him.
8. A new MTB – because you need more than one for sure. One for Codgers, one for Silvan, one for Kaiteriteri, one for The Gorge
9. The world to be Covid-19 free so we can travel for more adventures
10. A secret superpower hop that makes Citra look like a relic of the 90s. Oh and a new MTB!
Craig Cooper – Founder/owner/juice master at Bach Brewing
“My Christmas wish from Santa Hopster is for a relaxing sunny holiday with mates and family at Waimarama beach in the mighty Hawke’s Bay, enough kai moana for our daily table and the biggest snapper! And longer weekends in 2021. Oh, and it would be great to brew some beer styles beyond hazys – we love em! Cheers & beers to everyone – have an awesome summer and let’s get into the 20’s again, hopefully with open borders. Take care, be safe.”