A new release from Boneface Brewing is raising funds for an animal charity.
Huha Bruja is a collaboration between Boneface, McLeod’s and 8 Wired … and if you know your brewing history that trio have one important thing in common: they are all graduates from the Renaissance Brewing “school of assistant brewers”.
Matt Dainty of Boneface, Soren Eriksen of 8 Wired and Jason Bathgate of McLeod’s all learned the ropes at Renaissance.
But the three are also drawn together for the cause of animal welfare.
It’s not new for breweries around New Zealand to do good work and if I tried to list them all here we’d miss someone for sure and we’d also run out of room.
But we’ve seen a recent release from Garage Project, Ghost Light, where proceeds from the sales go to help live theatre groups around New Zealand.
Shining Peak in Taranaki regularly give a percentage of their revenue every month to Taranaki organisations. So far they’ve donated over $76,000.
Kereru have created window stickers to stop kereru and other birds from accidently flying into windows, and they donate to Project Kereru, a rehab programme for injured kereru.
And there so many more. (In fact if you know of a brewery doing great work drop me line at michael@hoppiness.co.nz).
Boneface founder Matt Dainty owns three dogs and was drawn to Huha because of their “no kill” policy.
Most recently Huha (which stands for Helping You Help Animals) was involved in a protest on Waiheke Island to stop a marina development going ahead because of the danger it presents to penguins who next there.
Wellington’s Little Beer Quarter are on board with the fund-raiser as well, donating $1 from every pint of Huha Bruja they sell.
“It’s not the first time I’ve done stuff for Huha,” Dainty said, “but they’re doing a big move to help more animals so we thought we’d tried to get money to help them do that.”
Dainty is hoping to raise around $4500-$5000 fron the beer sales.
Read more about Huha at https://huha.org.nz/