After a Sunday session where I knocked back one too many Tigers, I thought that my palate deserved some pampering so inspected the contents of my fridge and found the perfect beer to massage my palate back to life. It was a gifted can of the slickest sour to come out of Brothers Beer. Giant Peach Sour (4.5 percent ABV) which I believe was brewed using peaches grown near their Mount Eden brewery and I could honestly taste the freshness of the peaches that were used in this brew. And I don’t know if my mind was playing games but I could feel the peach fuzz gliding across my tongue with every sip. This is an absolute winner if you’re a stonefruit fan like myself, but beware, before you fang, this one has tang.
Tasting notes: The fuzz from the skin of a peach, a dehydrated apricot, a dash of yeast, and a squeeze of lemon juice.

Brothers Beer Giant Peach Sour