Dogfish Head 90 Minute (named for the continuous hopping process used) IPA is one of the grandfather’s of strong American IPA. It’s difficult to find in New Zealand, and even more difficult to find in good condition, but it’s something I think all lovers of strong IPA like myself should try at least once and taste where this thing started. There’s distinctly barleywine-type malt intensity on the nose, with orange barley sugars before dried apricot, candied citrus peel and sweet pine. Luscious malt sweetness is again first on the palate, tempered by juicy bitter orange and stonefruit. With an unabashedly full body and comparatively (for 9 per cent abv) moderate bitterness, this would probably be classified as an American Barley Wine rather than IPA if it was released today. But categories aside, this is an immensely rich and satisfying drop that’s defiantly malt forward in today’s hop dominated world.