Garage Project’s annual special release for Sign Language Week has come to take a permanent spot on my beer watch-list.  Maybe in a case of ‘doing the right thing for the wrong reason’ it isn’t because I’m particularly involved with sign language at all, but for the fact that it’s always an interesting and often exceptional beer.  This time it’s Fux, a 6.9% Red IPA, which has come to be a fairly endangered species of late.  Deep biscuity malt character runs the length of the aroma and palate, with American hops introducing sweet orange and grapefruit citrus, along with pineapple frosting and spicy pine.  Where this beer really hits for me is when the bitterness catches up to the rich malt in the finish, in an instant flipping the character of the beer from sweet and chewy to firm and arrestingly bitter.  A dynamic and forceful beer that will really satisfy drinkers like me who crave more bitterness out of their IPAs


Garage Project Fux Red IPA